#Guide for betting

How to get started in betting to become a winning bettor?

Five basic steps to help you become a better bettor as a beginner. We help you get started with sports betting!

Set goals for yourself!

You can’t be aimless, so in sports betting it’s a good idea to set yourself goals right from the start. We all know that everyone wants to be a millionaire, but it’s good to try and stay grounded!

You don’t necessarily have to think in terms of quantified goals, the important thing is to come up with something that is absolutely personal. For example, you can set yourself a tip limit, capital employed and of course profit. It’s important to try to think in the longer term and not with a few days’ goals in mind. If you do, you may not achieve them, which will obviously lead to disappointment.

Identify your capital!

Pocket money never wins, remember that. In other words, only bet on sports that you don’t need for your livelihood. Think of your sports betting capital as a long-term investment

Map out your financial options and, if you can, set aside an amount for your bets. It doesn’t matter if you have five thousand or five hundred thousand forints to spend, the important thing is that it will be your capital, your bankroll.

One of the biggest mistakes most busting players make is not to think of the money they have wagered as capital, and lose it all in a few days. Split that money, only bet up to 5% of your total on a single tip or ticket. If you have 10,000 HUF, don’t bet 2-3,000 HUF per game, because you will get wiped out very quickly! This is the basic rule of bankroll management! (We will cover this topic in more detail in the coming days!)

Choose a good bookmaker!

Choosing the right bookmaker is very important for a sports bettor. Many novice bettors refuse to take this seriously, but they score a huge own goal. DON’T BE THE ENEMY OF YOUR OWN WALLET!

In the long run it makes a big difference whether you can play the same bet for 1.75 or 1.80! Compare several bookmakers and look at their numbers!


Another important factor is to make sure that the offer of your chosen bookmaker matches your game. What sports do you bet on? What types of bets do you prefer? Are they available at the bookmaker you are looking at?

How can you deposit and withdraw? Do you only have a credit card or do you have an online wallet? Or neither? Be sure to read up on these things and get informed before you sign up! Once you’ve talked through the basics above with yourself, find a betting shop that’s ideal for you! Read room reviews, ask people you know about their experiences, or even ask on the Hathárom forums! The main thing is not to rush into any registration, because you could be disappointed!

Keep statistics on your tips!

It is a fundamental shortcoming that the average sports bettor skimps on this part out of laziness. But a statistical table can provide you with a wealth of information, not to mention a great help in your development. You don’t need to think about something huge, by the way. You create an excel spreadsheet and enter your loaded bets: the match, the outcome, the odds, the stake and the result of the bet. It won’t take you too much time, try it and believe me, after a few weeks you will feel great looking at your personal statistics database

Need help? Download our free spreadsheet template!

Analyse your results!

If you keep your statistics accurately, you will produce a database for yourself that can be very helpful in your development. As we say, hindsight makes you much smarter, and it’s no different in sports betting. Mind you, evaluating your results is not just about whether you have placed a winning or losing bet. It’s about finding out whether or not you made the right decision on a particular match. On a weekly and monthly basis, look at your spreadsheet, aggregate, analyse and figure out what you need to change for better results.

How to get started in betting to become a winning bettor?

How to successfully use a sports betting

How to get started in betting to become a winning bettor?

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