¿Estamos ante el partido más deportivo de la Eurocopa 2024?

Poland, the only team to go out of the group stage after two rounds, will also be beaten.
There is only one team that hasn’t scored at the European Championship, and that team has the misfortune of facing perhaps the tournament’s biggest favourites. The France-Poland game is only really important for the Gaels, but it’s not clear how much it matters to them.
France and the Netherlands are fighting it out for top spot in the group, with the latter currently in a better position. The Tulipanians are playing Austria, so they could be in first or even third place. Although, we would add, it may not make that much difference whether life throws Turkey, Romania or Belgium in front of them, but if they want to avoid the Belgians, who are likely to finish top of their group, they should win the last four.
The stakes for the Poles, on the other hand, are nil, and the only thing that would be a beauty spot would be that Lewandowski’s side are not the only ones to have netted in the tournament. Although our Polish friends took the lead against the Dutch and held the Austrians to a long draw, it was clear that both teams are stronger than the Michał Probierz-led side. So it’s no coincidence that the French win is only priced at around @1.30.

However, as the match is far from a life-or-death war, and Marco Guida is far from a mad referee (now…), it’s fair to think that a reckless card game won’t be let off.
On the one hand, the French are only on 2 yellow cards, the Poles on 4, and on the other hand, the Italian striker has only dealt 28 cards in his last 11 internationals, with 9 under and only 2 overs on the 3.5 mark. Besides, both sides’ World Cup matches have ended with 3 cards.
In our opinion, this means that there will be no 4 cards in this match, and in extreme cases, the first 0-card meeting of the European Championship could come, so depending on your temperament, you can be brave in the abundant 20bet markets.